In May 2024, the two zodiac signs most likely to experience abundance are

Even though May 2024 will be an exciting voyage for everyone, it has specific meaning for earth and air placements, with two signs of the zodiac in particular having an exceptionally prosperous month.

The new moon in Taurus on May 7, when Jupiter, the sun, and the moon are all in the same sign, will assist us in incorporating optimism and healing into possible relationships.

Pluto will go retrograde on May 2, signalling the beginning of the transformative energies that May 2024 will bring.

Since we will finally be able to break away from the retrograde Aries energy, Mercury's entry into the sign of Taurus gives us a lot of impetus on the 18th and makes it easier for us to become engrossed in the exciting world of romance and love.

For the following few weeks, as the Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, we should anticipate that most of our conversations will centre around relationships, love, and growth.

Another cycle comes to an end on May 23 with the full moon in Sagittarius, which affects fire and mutable placements. The same day, Venus will enter Gemini, producing a stellium in this sign.

The great benefic, Jupiter, finally enters Gemini on May 25th, starting a new cycle for air and mutable placements that encourage people to push boundaries and discover new aspects of who they are.

We can experience the wonderful and engaging energy, making us hopeful to fall in love again.

1. Taurus

Finally, Jupiter's entry in your sign will have us moving away from Venusian energy and focused on topics pertaining to the Mercurial.

2. Gemini

3. Scorpio
