5 Zodiac Signs See An Improvement In Relationships Between Now and May 19

The only guarantee in love is that whether unconsciously or on purpose, you will hurt another, and they will hurt you.

This isn’t because love is supposed to cause pain, but simply because humans are imperfect beings that learn through relating with another and often end up causing hurt to the one person that means the most.

While love itself is always perfect, it doesn’t mean you or your partner will always be, and so mending the hurt, opening to compromise, and reunion becomes an important part of a relationship that doesn’t just improve it but also ensures it can last forever.

In this new phase of your life that began once Pluto shifted out of Capricorn, ruler of your romantic sector, you have been guided to become clear about what you want and need from love

1. Cancer

More than any other zodiac sign, you know that life and matters of the heart have to be given the space to transform so that growth can occur, which is an essential part of your life.

2. Aquarius

You’ve been doing incredible work intending to your heart and healing the wounds that have prevented you from receiving the kind of love you truly want.

3. Scorpio

You deserve all the love the world offers you, but you must first acknowledge your inner desires and dreams to invest your energy in all the right places.

4. Capricorn

You are in the midst of your zodiac season of Taurus and your solar return, meaning that you are experiencing a personal new year where you can lay to rest matters of the past and choose where and how to begin anew.

5. Taurus

3. Scorpio
