Each Zodiac Sign's Long-Term Solar Eclipse Healing Effects From April to October 2024

You have no trouble living your life your own, but this eclipse and new moon inquire how going in alone or doing something alone most of the time has affected you. Dual-edged sword describes this new moon.


This new moon invites you to relax and unplug.  The next chapter of your life can benefit from an invitation to plan based on your hidden thoughts, especially those you don't reveal. Enter any incubator room to develop immediately if you're motivated!


Does your July 2023 plot involve creating a community where you feel like you belong and can be yourself? This Solar Eclipse is part of your narrative about social media, advocacy, and who inspires you to hang around.


This eclipse is important to you! First, reflect on professional and/or vocation changes since July 2023. Have you needed to be more entrepreneurial or find new ways to make a living? After the eclipse, you reflect on your career goals and leadership skills.


You're thinking about travel, philosophical research, and spiritual leadership following this Eclipse! Perhaps you are the first in your family to go this way or have a fresh worldview.


What comes to mind when you hear 'inheritance?' Perhaps your family has a history of hardship? It might be money or family heirlooms. This Eclipse highlights your family heritage, and you are thinking how to build on it.


Relationships. Relationships. Relationships. This Eclipse exposes prickly one-on-one relationships. Maybe you need to express something you've been hesitant to say or clear the air, but this time it's about discernment.


This new moon eclipse symbolizes your aggressive career moves. Last Fall's eclipses may have ended abruptly, but now you may have done something new.


A new moon Eclipse gives closure and regeneration to romance, pleasure, and creativity. Post-eclipse, you may be revisiting dating and romantic issues or your intimacy relationship, and you can heal and liberate yourself to reinvent your flame.


You may feel compelled to guide your family through major changes. This may remind you of times when you needed to be brave or take on more when you were younger. This is a good time to weigh your needs against your family's.


Relationship with traditional learning environments? Post-eclipse energy brings up old learning challenges and how you trust your own learning style.


Your current relationship with money or income? Are you working through outdated narratives about repairing your connection with money or regaining confidence in your ability to make a living?
