Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

Cocoa powder, brown sugar, and instant coffee powder should be combined in a bowl and stirred until there are no lumps left in the mixture.

Chia seeds should be included into the mixture.

After pouring the milk into the bowl and stirring it to combine it, wait a few minutes before stirring the mixture once more but before doing so.

After 20 minutes, this one is perfectly thick, and it will get slightly thicker while you wait. (I also have a lesson on how to make chia pudding if you need one!).

It is recommended that you rest and stir the mixture several times over the course of twenty minutes.

Wrap the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for one to two hours, or overnight.

In order to serve the pudding, drizzle honey over it.

Not only is this such a healthy and easy recipe but it's also delicious! It's difficult to eat healthy when you're a student living on your own with little time to cook," says monicake.

3. Scorpio
