Fudgy, chocolaty and delicious, these healthy Chocolate Chia Truffles are vegan, refined-sugar free, healthy and the perfect recipe to have at hand for a quick energy-fix for all ages!

As someone with a very high exposure to high calorie desserts and sugary indulgences, it is always a challenge to find a balance between satisfying the sweet tooth and eating healthy. Chocolate especially is my Achilles heel and I find it super tricky to control my cravings for it on some days.

I like to keep a batch of these healthy truffles to satisfy mid-day cravings, as a quick on-the-go snack, for  post-workout energy, and even for a delicious school tiffin treat!

This healthy chocolate chia truffles recipe is pretty forgiving in that you can easily switch the ingredients to suit your preference and it still comes out well in most cases

While the dates are needed for the sweetness as well as the binding, the other mix-ins can be swapped in a pinch.

While I love the combination of almonds, coconut and dates together, you could even swap for other nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, etc or a mix of any of these

The seeds not only add a lot of nutrition, they also provide add texture by bringing some crunch to the truffles. It’s also the only way I can get my family to not turn up their noses at eating chia and flax seeds.

While I don’t prefer adding dried fruits, you could add a handful of raisins, cranberries, black currants or others of choice.

3. Scorpio
