These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love May 13–19

Flocks may gather, but what if your true love is elsewhere? Heart-related energy this week, May 13–19, 2024, is mysterious.

The I Ching hexagram of love this week is Earth over Earth (#2) becoming Water over Heaven (#5).

It encourages patience in love, especially if we're afraid we'll never find love and are too old for romance. Why? Everything blooms and fruits at its own pace.

Rabbit, your luck in love this week is all about what you are devoted to. If you are single, you are urged to follow your heart and not settle for what is not right for you.

1. Rabbit

Horse, your luck in love this week is all about the people in your social circle who you are not romantically connected to. If you are single, walk away from those who try to influence your love life with negativity or toxicity

2. Horse

Tiger, your luck in love this week is about recognizing whether you truly want to be in a romantic relationship or not. It's an odd luck, no doubt.

3. Tiger

Pig, if you are single, you are encouraged to express your feelings about love and romance to yourself this week. Journal or speak out loud, the method is not important.

4. Pig

Goat, if you are single, your luck in love this week is all about recognizing your true worth and not allowing anyone to say you are worth less than that.

5. Goat

3. Scorpio
